Category: Blog

The Christ Child Society of Atlanta

Loved the event and wonderful time in Atlanta this past Saturday! The Christ Child Society of Atlanta kindly invited me to be their keynote speaker at their fundraiser luncheon held at The Intercontinental Hotel.

Henri Bendel Accessories

Out in the malls this week, I discovered the most fabulous accessory line. It’s located at “Henri Bendel” and a lot of the malls in the United States actually have a store called Henri...

Closet Harmony

What I’d like to talk to you about today is how to arrange your closet and bring it into harmony with your life before you head out to the stores to charge charge charge!...

On A Shoestring Shopping

Happy New Year! Day after day we have been inundated with news of the economy. Now we are being told that luxury is out and frugal is in. We brag to our friends the...

Fall Fashion 2012

After being out in the stores, I’d like to talk about what I see are the major trends for Fall 2012. One of the most important trends is the Pencil Skirt. A lot of...

Welcome to Jackie’s Blog

Hi there! This is the very first installment of my Blog. I plan to write my thoughts on many topics that will entice and excite you about the world regarding the psychology of clothing....