Closetology Presentations

Closetology Presentations

Closetology Presentations are 45 minutes in length. Questions and answer period may follow as well as a book signing. The presentation addresses different aspects regarding the psychology of clothing. Entertaining as well as motivational and informational they pack a powerful self-esteem message. They are ideal for audiences of all sizes as well as women only, men only or a mixed group. They can be presented as a keynote or breakout format and may include handouts.


Closetology Topics

The Psychology of Your Closet

  • Fact: On a national average women wear only 20% of their closet!
  • Fact: On a national average men wear 90% of their closet!
  • Fact: To a man a tie is a tie!
  • Fact: To a woman a skirt is an entire story!

Take a tour of your psyche by way of that room of emotion..Your Closet! Explore who you are in conjunction with what you do everyday. Jackie Walker, Dr. of Closetology will show you how to bring your closet into harmony with your life!

Proportion Politics

  • Fact: You are Not A Size! You Are Space and Architecture!

Learn the art of horizontal line dressing. Jackie will share how to layer the correct architecture of clothing against your personal space. After experiencing this revolutionary concept you will always purchase correctly as well as feeling confident and correct in your wardrobe choices! You will take home a handout and measurement chart to use as a shopping tool.

Discover your Internal Fashion Persona (Take the Persona Quiz here)

  • Fact: You are born with an internal fashion persona!
  • Fact: We see ourselves and the world through this personal style!
  • Fact: Men look in the mirror and see their face!
  • Fact: Women look in the mirror and see their every insecurity!

Jackie takes you back to childhood and your first recollection of shopping. She will then describe the five dominant fashion personas and how they relate to your every day’s image sense. Once you are aware of your own percentages of persona you will always feel comfortable and confident. Inner confidence leads to external corporate and personal success!

Note: Jackie can create the above presentation with or without the demonstration of clothing and accessories. There is a runway show entitled “Models! Information! Music!” based on the persona premise.

For Fee Information please contact Jackie Here or 813-230-2153