
Top Shop

Fact: 75% of a woman’s closet should be in tops!

Fact: The architecture of the neckline is the most important part of the ensemble.

Fact: You must have a top driven wardrobe!


Over the years I have worked with hundreds of women in their personal closets. I arrive for that special “Day in the Home” and it starts at the kitchen table over a cup of coffee. We chat for an hour and you reveal so much to me. I know how you feel about your current wardrobe, your body and sometimes your life! The main frustration is that nothing makes you feel good. Nothing seems to go together. You have nothing you “WANT” to wear! Then we walk into that room of emotion….. Your closet. The answers are there! I don’t reveal it to you right away because it makes more sense to start with each classification to see what you like to wear and more importantly what you are not wearing. As we travel through the jackets, pants and skirts we finally come to the tops!

Fact: If you don’t have a strong top classification you have nothing to wear!

We wade through the old white and patterned shirts, the dated blouses, the pilled sweater sets and then on to the faded out tee shirts that sport a wrinkle or two. Among these are the few…yes very few tops that bring a smile to your face. Then you get your “AHA “moment. You look at me and say “I need more tops!” Now I know you have the answer to a balanced closet!


Architecture of a Neckline

That line is so important because it is at your face…..your communication tool. Your face is your number one accessory! The most exciting necklines are the “V”, the boatneck, the scoop, and the asymmetrical line.

NOTE: Never wear the high round tee shirt neckline as it rounds out and puffs up the face.

You can have ten black tops and if each one has an exciting neckline it will add sophistication to your look. As you shop ask yourself whether or not the top has a look!

Does it feature a wider cuff? Does it offer a larger button? Can it be worn in and out?

Fact: Beautiful clothing can be found in the architecture of the piece. Look for defining details…not just a lot of stuff!

The List!

Take a serious look at each top in your closet. Which are your favorites and why? Make a list of what you need for Fall and Winter 2007-2008. Shop just for tops! Ask each one how many ways it can be worn. Don’t buy anything unless you love it.

When you create an exciting Top Shop in your closet you will always have lots of options for you!

Visit and see all the exciting changes. Be a part of my Blog and look for the next newsletter titled “ The Psychology of Why You Return Things You Have Purchased.”

Warmest regards,

Jackie Walker,

Dr. of Closetology