
Is it time to take your next step? I did it about twenty years ago and started to make new dreams come true. With simple steps I created Option Dressing and the brand Dr. of Closetology. I now travel all over the world speaking on the psychology of clothing as well as many other motivational and informational topics. I have a best selling book and CD’s and have been featured in magazines and on TV and radio shows across the country.

What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

It can be as simple as adding some new possibilities to an existing business or as adventuresome as starting a whole new career. Let me show you the simple ways to make those dreams a reality! I did it and continue to and so can you!

  • Do you want to enhance your existing business by learning the psychology behind you, your products and your clients?
  • Do you want to seek out how to become a teacher instead of a salesperson?
  • Do you want to take a step up by having a professional bio, press kit and brochure created for you?
  • Do you want to promote the “Unique You” by using the media?
   Are you not sure of what you want to do?
  Take a “Baby Step” and book one coaching call.
  Jackie will create a series of coaching calls tailored   to you.
   Re-invent “You” with a new bio and press kit.
   Create your destiny with Jackie’s guidance!

Call Jackie for more information on this exciting business opportunity. It is tailored to you and will guarantee the success you desire based on your individual needs and budget.

If you want to become a “closetologist and add that to your existing business Jackie can show you how to achieve this.

It can be as simple as one coaching call all the way to three days with Jackie in Chicago!This ultimate weekend will have you well on your way to the future.

For more information call 813-230-2153 or Click Here for your free initial consultation.

Jackie’s motto is….. “IF THE SHOE FITS….LIVE IT!”